The chances that you’ll be seriously injured by your makeup are small, but it does happen. Use this common sense advice from the Consumer Information Center ( to make sure you’re beautiful and safe.
- Never drive and apply makeup. Not only does it make for dangerous driving, but hitting a bump in the road can cause you to scratch your eyeball, which could in turn lead to an infection and serious injury to your eye.
- Never share makeup. Always use a new disposable applicator when sampling products at a cosmetics counter. Insist that the salesperson clean container openings with alcohol before applying their contents to your skin.
- Never add liquid to a product to bring back its original consistency. Adding other liquids could introduce bacteria that can easily grow out of control.
- Stop using any product that causes an allergic reaction.
- Throw away makeup if the color changes or an odor develops. Preservatives degrade over time and may no longer be able to fight bacteria.
- Do not use eye makeup if you have an eye infection. Throw away all products you were using when you discovered the infection.
- Keep makeup out of sunlight. Light and heat can degrade preservatives.
- Keep makeup containers tightly closed when not in use.